This is my personal web portfolio used to display my software projects. The website is designed to display pertinent information regarding myself and my work within a user-friendly environment while also maintaining a degree of personalization.
This project was bootstrapped using Astro, a recently-released JavaScript framework that leverages Static Site Generation (SSG) to dramatically reduce project bundle sizes. A defining characteristic of Astro is its ability to import components written for other frameworks (React, Angular, Svelte, etc) and run them on demand. As a result, the project is able to import modules designed for React seemlessly (such as the typed introduction seen on the homepage), allowing a React developer such as myself to code within a familiar environment.
The UI of the website is handled mainly by Astro’s built-in CSS+ syntax and supplemented with Tailwind. This “CSS-first” approach allows me to maintain flexibility and ownership of the design while simplifying the process of writing baseline CSS. This has also been a valuable experience in practicing web design without the aid of a design framework, such as Material UI, as utilized in past projects.